
What Subspace’s Real-Time Internet Means for the Future of Online Games

PublishedNov 01, 2021BySubspace Team
The internet we all know and love was designed to move data worldwide while mitigating disruptions from natural disasters, nuclear attacks, and other catastrophes.
Constantly increasing the volume of data, aka bandwidth, worked for a while but eventually, in the mid-2010s, ran into real-time applications like videoconferencing, online gaming, and voice/video chat, all of which require reducing latency—the time it takes to move data across the network.
This has become a multi-faceted problem for multiplayer online games because the real-time experience that gamers now expect often spans matchmaking, gameplay, and in-game voice and video chat.
VentureBeat recently covered that challenge, noting how Subspace’s parallel and real-time internet for gaming and the metaverse combines a dedicated fiber-optic backbone and proprietary AI that “weather maps” the internet in real-time to find the best paths.
“Subspace’s network platform deploys, operates, and AI optimizes and scales the highest performing proxy services for a real-time application. And it requires no end-user hardware or configuration changes, as it is implemented via a simple configuration to proxy game traffic to Subspace. It also provides always-on protection against hacker attacks, known as distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.”
For online games like Call of Duty, Axie Infinity, and Pokémon Unite, the opportunity is clear: using a network built for real-time means significantly lower latency than the traditional internet, leading to an increased quality speed of matchmaking. This contributes to a fun and satisfying gaming experience and lowers churn, which in turn increases revenue.

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