
TadHack 2021 Wrap - Great Weekend Hackathon!

PublishedSep 28, 2021BySubspace Team

Innovations in RTC Produce a Fun Hackathon Weekend

Our hearty congratulations go outo the Alan Quayle and the TADHack crowd for producing a very exciting weekend of hacks, culminating in the winner's annoucements on the TADHack blog. Great job to all, and kudos to all of the prize winners from all over the world for their great work.
Remember to take a look at the TADHack blog and their Summary of Winners!

Subspace Contributions and Winners

Quite a few projects used Subspace in one way or another; one of the things that seemed done very well were mashups of some or all of the different technologies into a single working system. These things are always exciting when they happen, including the Autonomous Rescue Bot project, RescueR. See the full presentation HERE:
Our $300 prize winner, put together by Team Zero (Ebtesam Al Haque, Doug Moore, Amy Sliwinski, Muntaser Syed, Vincent Tang, Davindra Tulsi, Chris Woodle), programmed a small autonomous bot for search and rescue communications and operations in unstable areas. Their premise is that the currently used equipment is still too large to get into confined spaces, such as during building collapse events. This particular group used pieces of every sponsor technology in their submission.
It is great to see when RTC technologies can be put to use in first-responder situations, and utilized in ways that improve response times for rescue operations, when seconds truly matter.

First Subspace Integration with a CPaaS Solution

A huge congratulations to our $400 prize winner, Dan Jenkins, for his submission of Subspace integrating with the open-source CPaaS solution Jambonz. The team believes this is the first time we've seen Subspace integrated with a platform of this type via the Subspace API. It was really satisfying for our development staff to see our SIPTeleport service in action, with APIs working as expected.
Our CTO and Co-Founder, William King, was just talking to the team about how there are a myriad of use cases and SaaS platform integrations that can be stabilized or accelerated with Subspace, and this is just one of many to come.
Watch the Subspace API in action on Dan's submission video HERE!

Subspace PacketAccelerator vs. the Public Internet

Vince Puglia, one of our $150 prize winners, gives our technology a thorough test in his presentation "Streaming Through Subspace". This is a well thought out comparison video using the Subspace PacketAccelerator technology.
In this presentation, Vince presents a controlled experiment streaming video, first transmitted over public DNS, and then transmitted over the Subspace Network. The factors that were documented revolved around frame rate, frame loss, and associated latency calculations.
This comparison is telling. This is solid, documented proof that the growth of the Subspace network is already leading to performance improvements when compared to public internet. While there wasn't sufficient time for Vince Puglia to test packet loss and other stability results, he was able to determine that point to point video streaming on Subspace was more performant, and less latent, than using public DNS.
The number comparisons were interesting, but what we like is when the developer at least spends 1 minute on the "if I only had more time" slide!
You can view Vince's submission HERE!

GlobalTURN - "I Had to Try It!"

Last, but certainly not least, congratulations to Philippe Sultan, who used our Global TURN service and demonstrated how easy it was to get TURN working globally without deploying any virtual or physical servers. Even Philippe was skeptical, saying:
Reducing latecy of video calls using a dedicated set of TURN servers is a bold statement, and I thought it was something I had to try.
It is true; with Subspace, you can have a dedicated TURN server environment, globally distributed, without deploying any TURN servers at all. It basically eliminates all system and tuning maintenance, and the bigger the organization, the more valuable that might be. Serverless turn, demonstrated well, is deserving of our second $150 prize.

Thank you to TADHack!

We'd like to take some time out to thank the organizers of one of our favorite hackathons. To Alan Quayle and the rest of the TADHack community, we will definitely be looking forward to next year's event!
And to all you TADHackers out there, we're here to help you make your RTC world faster. Take a look at our solutions, and let us know if you need help: Start Building on Subspace

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